Work Packages

Our work packages are designed to provide support to governments at different stages of rabies elimination

Every country across the world fighting against rabies has unique challenges that stand in their way. We can tailor our work packages to help overcome these obstacles. Please get in touch with us via the Contact Us page should you require more information.

Emergency Response

A rabies outbreak requires a rapid and coordinated response, involving multiple sectors working together to promptly control the spread of the disease.

The Emergency Response package ensures the fast implementation of an effective short-term response, before turning to consider the development of a long- term, sustainable strategy.

Our team will carry out an epidemiological consultation, before collaboratively planning, developing and implementing a tailored vaccination strategy. An evaluation of the methods will take place - ensuring optimization of all resources and that the overall objective of rapidly stopping the spread of the virus is achieved.

Early Control

The first steps in growing a comprehensive national intervention are often the hardest. Little is known about what might be possible and experience in implementing field work is limited. This is where the Early Control package can help with planning and evaluation tools and comprehensive field-based training in methods that have worked elsewhere.

The approach hinges on trialing methods using experience from similar settings, gathering data to help evaluate their efficacy and refining the approach to establish a method which is supported, relevant and effective in the local setting. Pilot campaigns are generally planned for areas of relevance, followed by a period of data analysis, producing an accessible report of activities which can guide discussions and discussions for how to proceed with expansion.

Pilot Expansion

Expansion of pilot campaigns to the national level requires broad government support, multi-sectoral coordination, and large-scale resource mobilization. There needs to be a clear understanding of resource requirement and field methodology based on experience from previous stages of scale-up and clear, comprehensive packages in training large numbers of people in standard operating procedures.

A comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system must be in place as well as a clear framework for the administration of the campaign, check points for review and refinement, sustained funding, and contingency plans.

This package provides tools to engage key stakeholders in reviewing the available information and working together to distill a clear and logical plan for national implementation.

Case Detection & Response

Robust canine rabies surveillance is crucial to sustaining and tailoring mass dog vaccination activities until canine rabies elimination is achieved.

Effective canine rabies surveillance requires human and animal health sectors to work in partnership, investigating human bite victims to identify suspect cases. This package provides tools and training to support the development of surveillance systems, from diagnostic capacity to field investigations.

Last Mile

To save future generations of the horrors of rabies, control is not enough. We must eliminate the virus.

To achieve and demonstrate elimination it is essential that surveillance systems remain active, vaccination campaigns continue where needed and stakeholders remain engaged with the goal.

As campaigns reach the last mile it can be difficult to sustain this level of interest and feeling of priority. Additionally there are often specific regions where challenges are encountered that delay elimination and risk reintroducing the virus into previously free regions. The Last Mile package provides tools and guidance in driving campaigns through this last mile, evaluating existing methods, identifying gaps and trouble-shooting solutions whilst working to keep stakeholders and decision makers engaged.

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International Rabies Taskforce
c/o Mission Rabies USA
CA 94086